Filton Airfield


Circular solutions for :

A former airfield in South Gloucestershire, north of Bristol. The site was recently bought by YTL, a large Malaysian company with global operations, including Wessex Water in the UK and YTL Developments (UK) Ltd who are developing the site.

The site will be developed into an attractive and sustainable area where people can live, learn, work and prosper. A masterplan has been approved,
but further evolution of sustainable development ideas to implement is required. Within NextGen water and energy management as part of this masterplan will be further developed and implemented. The investment project (construction starts 2018) includes a strategic Surface Water System (SSW), ensuring reliable drainage and allow local use of captured rainwater and water reuse.

Relevant Data

Under construction
1 ha
of commercial space
1 ha

2 nurseries - 3 schools

+ a multicomplex leisure / community facility

New Railway station

and urban transport system

Demo site:

Filton Airfield

Relevant sectors

Key innovations & actions

  • Integration of the drainage system into green infrastructure and urban reuse of water. Drainage, rainfall and rainwater characterisation
  • Heat recovery from the sewer system and local use for heating
  • Proposals of circular economy solutions to implement using NextGen insights and experiences

Lead partners