Advisory Board

Challenging embedded thinking includes seeking inspirational voices and cross-disciplinary collaboration. NextGen is pleased to have five visionary voices included as part of the project.


Mark Fletcher

Global Water Director, ARUP

Aldo Roberto Ometto

Aldo Roberto Ometto

Coordinator USP CE Pioneer, Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil


Linda Macpherson

Managing Director, New Water ReSources.


Christophe Lasseur

Coordinator of the Melissa Project at the European Space Agency (ESA)


May Thorseth

Professor of Philosophy, Ethics Advisor (NTNU)

Their mandate is to

  • Provide an additional form of quality control, advice, and validation to increase NextGen impact
  • Review and challenge project outcomes
  • Link the project to other international initiatives
  • Promote appropriate NextGen and its innovations within their own networks
  • Support the route to market for solutions developed within the project